

  • 2006/8/29 あれをする
  • 8/10 12:24 これをする
  • 20:35 それもする


  • 2006年の8月29日に「あれをする」というTODOを作ります
  • 一番未来の8月10日の12時24分に「これをする」というTODOを作ります
  • 一番未来の20時35分に「それもする」というTODOを作ります


property calName : "TV"

set A to text returned of (display dialog "予定を入れてください" default answer "")

set regExp to "^??s*([??d:??/??s]+)??s+(.*)"
set sendCmd to "map {print $_ . ?"??n?"}" & "($ARGV[0] =~ /" & regExp & "/)"
set getShell to do shell script "perl -e " & (quoted form of sendCmd) & space & quoted form of A
set getDate to paragraph 1 of getShell
set getSum to paragraph 2 of getShell
set setDate to date getDate

if (current date) > setDate then
	set theDiff to (current date) - setDate
	if (theDiff > 365 * 24 * 60 * 60) then
		set year of setDate to (year of setDate) + 1
	else if (theDiff > 24 * 60 * 60) then
		set month of setDate to (month of setDate) + 1 as integer
	else if (theDiff > 60 * 60) then
		set day of setDate to (day of setDate) + 1
	end if
end if

tell application "iCal"
	set A to make new todo at end of calendar calName with properties {summary:getSum, due date:setDate}
	set ALM to make new sound alarm at the end of sound alarms of A
	set trigger interval of ALM to -30
end tell
